Wednesday, September 17, 2008

What Was She Thinking?!?!

Let the record show that I think Mama Mer is one of the smartest people I know; however, sometimes she makes some questionable decisions. Case in point: during the beginning of last night's bed time routine, Mama Mer settled down on the couch with a stack of books to read with Lucia. I was working on the computer in the study, happily listening to them read together... and then they got to this book. I thought it was unusual, since it's not in our typical book rotation. Nevertheless, they seemed to be enjoying it... then as I was typing away on the keyboard, I realized I didn't hear Mama Mer reading anymore. I stopped typing only to hear the heavy, heavy sobs of Mama Mer coming from the couch. Being the sympathic wife that I am, of course I started laughing at her and ran over to finish the book while she tried to gain her composure... "It's *sob* just *sob* so *sob* sad!" I know better, so I read the ending VERY quickly, wiped away a tear of my own, and closed the book. Lucia thought all of this drama was most amusing and said, "I want to read it again!" I don't think so kiddo, this book is being put away for awhile.
Ok, gotta end on a high note: check out Lucia's happy food dance. I double dog dare you not to smile.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This happened at the Rosella house with both The Velveteen Rabbit AND The Incredible Journey. Be forewarned!