Sunday, March 31, 2013

So long Loon, see you next year!

As we put another ski season in the books, now is the time to reflect on all the wonders the winter brought us this year. Such as Lucia skiing down the mountain like a champ (even tackling some blue trails at the end) and Carmen refusing to use the wedge stop technique, barreling down the slopes full speed and right into the safety netting over the side of the trail. That was the last time Carmen got to ski with Mamas... right back to ski school for that kid. Luckily, Carmen excelled at some of the tamer winter sports, such as snowman building and general cuteness.

The end of the season also brought a birthday celebration for Mama Mer complete with a trip to our favorite pink diner... where Lucia proudly announced Mama's age to the waitress, who of course brought out a birthday Sunday and serenaded Mer with "Happy Birthday" along with the rest of the waitstaff. Awesome.

And last but certainly not least, the end of March brought Lucia's first starring stage role - as Peter in the production of Gumption! based on this book. She learned all of her lines and nailed the role (IMHO) and fulfilled my dream of becoming a stage mother.... see for yourself, a star is born.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Random notes from the cheap seats...

As Mer likes to say, "If it doesn't go on the blog, it is lost forever!" So with that in mind, here are some recent gems from the mouths of my family:

Carmen, "Lucia, we're probably gonna get a trophy... for being such good girls."

Carmen, "I love you mucher than pancakes."

When discussing the dangers of playing with fire, I was explaining that you never burn matches and Luce chimed in, "or chipmunks. You never burn chipmunks."

6:30am, Carmen: "Mama, I'm sorry"

Mer: "Why, honey, you just woke up?"Carmen: "I'm sorry because you smell like beer." (said with Carmen's Boston accent)Mer: "Beer? Do you mean coffee?"Carmen: "It might be coffee."

And you know how I know I'm a grown up? Because I say things like, "Luce, we never stick anything in anyone ever!" (she was trying to put a toy in her sister's bellybutton).