Friday, December 28, 2007

Ho Ho Home For the Holidays

Christmas brought a new house, lots of family, and a new mode of locomotion. Lucia walked all over the new home in the 'burbs just in time for the Seattle Leary contingent to arrive. They were very impressed by the arms-up balancing technique. Christmas also brought lots of new outfits for Lucy to wear, that were only outnumbered by gifts from LL Bean. Got fleece? ...'cause Mimi can get you some. Lucia's favorite gifts included a sleigh for sitting in (she didn't quite understand why we had to take it outside) and a toy house from Uncle Sean and Auntie Julie. There was a even a short trip to Portland to see Nonne,Papa and the cousins, eat an eggroll, and rock an accordian jam. Christmas even brought Lucia new foods, all of which she liked (of course). Auntie Julie made Lucy her first cookie, complete with holiday peppermint bark. Uncle Sean made a pitcher full of gravy because gravy boats are for suckers. And the appetizer fest on Christmas Eve was indescribable, you'll just have to come next year.
This post was brought to you by the letter B ... Uncle B that is.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

So Long, Farewell...

Auf Wiedersehen, good night. Thought we'd squeeze in one last post from JP, the eve before our move to the 'burbs. While we've made great progress on the packing front, we're still down to the wire (yet here I sit, typing... typical). Anyway, this photo was taken during our newest tradition - Friday Night Pizza Party! It comes with its own theme song and dance moves, but we're still perfecting our moves, so the video will have to wait. Luce is a big fan of Fridays, and so are we.

You may not hear from us for a bit, but we'll try and get some new home posts-in. Right now, the sun has gone to bed... and I'm not even CLOSE to being done. Ack!

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

3 Things I Learned During the Past 7 Days...

1) Our new town (Brookline) has wild fowl running amuck. I snapped this shot on my cell phone as I was exiting the Starbucks on a very, very busy main road (like, where the Green Line passes by). Click to enlarge if you can't see anything odd...

2) One can never have enough newspaper, boxes, bubble wrap or TIME when packing.

3) Lucia can take independent steps (but still prefers to hold on to things), wave and say bye, and drink whole milk without putting up much of a fight.

I'm sure I learned more, but those are the things that stuck. Speaking of stuck, I had better get back to packing. We're doing the final walk through today and are set to close tomorrow morning (fingers crossed).