Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Heeeeeeeeeeeeere's Carmen!

Bowing to popular demand, here are a few shots of our newest little bundle of joy joy joy. Thanks for all the nice notes of love and support - we are very lucky there's WiFi here in the hospital. Meredith and Carmen are doing great and Lucia and I are holding down the fort at home (all night pizza parties!). I promise to continue taking photos, but in the meantime enjoy these.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

The answers are: 63, 45, 17

How many rings are there on a Mimi tree?
How many years have my folks been hitched?
How many days before we hatch spawn #2?
Another busy weekend here in Mothers Goose land. On Saturday we celebrated Mimi's birthday Lucia style - with cake, food and dancing (in that order). Lucia had a grand old time entertaining everyone and cutting a rug with Mimi's BFF Cheryl. If Luce's enthusiasm for parties now is any indication of years yet to come, we're in trouble with a capital T and that rhymes with B and that stands for bail. Speaking of delinquents - big shout out to my folks for celebrating 45 years of marriage this weekend. Lucia is expecting a piece of your anniversary cake in the mail.
Also, that pesky global warming trend allowed us to build a snowman in warm weather today - a most enjoyable task when you're not frozen.
Finally, since we have done ZERO pregnancy documenting this time around, and since Mer is too exhausted to protest... do you think she is ready to be done with this whole thing or what? I really do owe her one.. or as she says, "No, you owe me TWO."