Sunday, October 31, 2010

We're Late, We're Late...

For a very important post!

Yeah, I backdated... so sue me (inside SEC joke).

With Halloween falling on a weekend, the Mothersgoose is VERY glad to have the costume extravaganza behind us. Here are some fun shots of the girls in all their decked out glory.  Alice and the White Rabbit had a nice lllllllong Halloween weekend, and we are more than happy to retire their costumes... until they want to wear them again... which will probably be next weekend.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Mer Tells Me The Blog is in Arrears...

To which I reply, "Well how can she hear?!?"


Yeah, it's been another crazy few weeks... but we still managed to frolic in foliage, acknowledge my mortality and pick a pack of pumpkins. See here for details.

Ok, I promise more pith next update... will Lucia make it 3 years in a row in her Dorothy costume? Tune in next week to see!