Friday, May 30, 2008

To the Lighthouse...

For the first time in I can't say how many years, we had perfect weather for our Memorial Day activities in Maine. I mean, when is it ever warm enough to go to the beach in Maine -much less in May?!? Lucia had a very busy weekend running around playgrounds, touching lighthouses, splashing at the beach, attending barbecues, visiting with friends and celebrating Papa's birthday. Whew. At 18+ months now, Lucia is talking in full on sentences and it is bizarre to actually have two-way conversations with her. In fact, if you asked her what she did in Maine, I'm sure she'd say "I touched a lighthouse!" or "Zoe barking noisy" or "Hi Mama Fran, hi." Oh, and she's very much into telling us what's noisy right now. Trucks noisy, coffee noisy (when we grind the beans), mixer noisy, digger noisy, etc. We keep asking her if Lucia is noisy, but she doesn't get the joke quite yet. Maybe it's my delivery... nah, couldn't be.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

We're Going On An Egg Hunt...

Ok, first of all how adorable are my matching girls?!? Meredith claims it was totally inadvertent, but I'm not so sure. Nevertheless, cuteness abounds. This past weekend we participated in an Ellen's House tradition - the annual egg hunt. Every Spring Ellen picks a sunny Sunday to gather the troops (both past and present) at the Arboretum where she proceeds to hide 30 dozen (yeah, you do the math) plastic eggs containing various baubles, bangles and candies. The weather was perfect and Lucia had a grand old time tromping through the grass hunting for eggs. Speaking of hunting... anyone looking to buy a 2003 Corolla? Mimi will give you a sweet deal, I promise.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

It's A Mile Square AND the Birthplace of Ol' Blue Eyes...

Seriously, what's not to love?!? Yes, we finally made it down to Hoboken to see Paige and Paul's new(ish) baby Luke. While the Mothers Goose fawned over the too cute and super sleeper that was Luke the Boy, Luce was a little more circumspect. Once she was done touching everything in his room though, I think she came around to liking the lil guy (well, tolerating his presence in his own house really). Nevertheless, we all had a great time marveling at our adulthood and parental status or is it stati? Paige, correct me here. Seems like just yesterday we were back at Bowdoin making fools of ourselves, oh wait... that hasn't changed (see video on Luke's blog as evidence). Oh, and despite only being in Hoboken for 48 hours, Luce was able to master Jersey hair.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

I'm Miss World...

When I saw this pic, it instantly reminded me of my junior year in college, and this album cover. Then I started remembering the lyrics and decided I'd rather not have Lucia related to them at_all. We had another terrific weekend chock full o' nuts (a.k.a. friends and family). Lucia and moms celebrated not one, not two, but three birthdays this weekend (one for a 2 year old and 2 for some "older gals"). Saturday we had a Mimi sleep over (moms night out, woo!) and as you can see Lucia had a terrible time. Luce is really working on her vocal range right now and yelling has become a fun activity. Good thing we no longer have down-stairs neighbors.