Seriously, what's not to love?!? Yes, we finally made it down to Hoboken to see Paige and Paul's new(ish) baby Luke. While the Mothers Goose fawned over the too cute and super sleeper that was
Luke the Boy, Luce was a little more circumspect. Once she was done touching everything in his room though, I think she came around to liking the lil guy (well, tolerating his presence in his own house really). Nevertheless, we all had a great time marveling at our adulthood and parental status or is it stati? Paige, correct me here. Seems like just yesterday we were back at Bowdoin making fools of ourselves, oh wait... that hasn't changed (see video on Luke's blog as evidence). Oh, and despite only being in Hoboken for 48 hours, Luce was able to master
Jersey hair.
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