With more snow on the way, we decided to put Lucia's new snow suit to the test early this morning. Like a true intrepid New Englander, she took to the snow with gusto. I even showed her how to make a snow angel... but since I am neither two nor outfitted with giant snowsuit, I had to retreat to the study to warm up. Brrrrrr.
Sunday, December 21, 2008
It's Beginning to Taste A Lot Like Christmas...
With more snow on the way, we decided to put Lucia's new snow suit to the test early this morning. Like a true intrepid New Englander, she took to the snow with gusto. I even showed her how to make a snow angel... but since I am neither two nor outfitted with giant snowsuit, I had to retreat to the study to warm up. Brrrrrr.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Deck the Halls With Eee-commerce...
And now, the current random acts of Luce cuteness:
- She pronounces the word remote (as in, the remote for her train) like "tr'mote." It is the oddest thing. "Where's my tr'mote? Have you seen my tr'mote?"
- She's going through a slight Nemo obsession phase. We watched part of it on our trip to Seattle and whip it out on very special occasions (like when Mama Fran had to pump water out of the basement last week and keep Luce distracted). It puts her in a trance. Now, she runs around the house saying that she's Dory, Mama Mer is Nemo and Mama Fran is the shark. Why does Mama Mer get top billing?!?
- She is more insistent on picking out her own outfits. This was the best one yet (with thanks to Aunties Laura and Erin for the rockin' dress).
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Turkey for me. Turkey for you.

So here is the adorable baby Veronica - one of the four reasons for enduring two cross country red eye flights with Lucia. The other three reasons are adult related, but they're not nearly as noteworthy as baby V. Mothers Goose and Goose had a turkey terrific time out in Seattle. Lucia was spoiled rotten by her Auntie Alison and Uncle B and was even willing to share the attentions of Uncle Sean. Even though the visit was far too short, Lucia was able to squeeze in some cupcake decorating, a ride on a carousel and much coveted train ride. Sorry for the short post, but I have to go back to Lowes for more tree lights, Kleenex and chicken wire (that's for you PP).
Sunday, November 30, 2008
So Many Thanks, So Little Time...

Before we even laid tine to turkey, we were treated to a visit from our dear friend Schindler and her adorable daughter Annie. This visit went much better for Lucia (you may recall during their last visit, Luce was perfecting her "MINES!" line on Annie). The kids had a great time running laps around the house, jumping on randomly placed pieces of inflatable furniture and of course after dinner treats. All this was a great segue into our trip to Seattle - Luce really threw herself into packing for the trip. We had a fantastic voyage to the Emerald City, but we're still recovering from the red-eye so you'll just have to wait to hear about it!
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Happy Birthday TWO you...

Friday, November 7, 2008
Oh. My. Goodness.*

Current random acts of Lucia cuteness:
- Daylight savings is wreaking havoc on our household. Luce has been getting up between 5-5:30 every morning. That is NOT time to wake up. The other morning I went in to get her and thought bringing her back into our bed would be relaxing. Boy was I wrong. The second I put her on my pillow she thew a royal hissy fit, shoving poor Meredith screaming, "Nooooo! Mama Mer out of bed! Nooo Mama Mer!" Finally I said, Lucia do you want Mama Mer to go sleep in Mimi's bed (our guest room)? She replied with an emphatic, "YESSSS!" So off went dejected, pregnant, sleepless Mama Mer. Lucia was then silent as a mouse. Not a pleasant way to start your day.
- Mama Mer overheard this snippet of Lucia's interpretation of motherhood when Luce was carrying around her baby doll: "I rock the baby. I'm baby's mama. We gonna go watch some football." How GREAT is that?
-* This is Luce's phrase of the month. Said with dramatic pauses in between each word: Oh_my_goodness. It is impossibly cute.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Friday, October 31, 2008
Le Trick, Le Treat, Le Puff, Le Pant...

Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Look Ma, No Hands!

Current random acts of Luce cuteness:
- When she doesn't like something, she now says, "I don't like that game." For example, when protesting a diaper change, she'll cry and say, "I don't like that game!" or when we say, Lucia it's time for a tubby... "Noooo, I don't like that game!" Where do you think she got the idea that everything is a game?? Hmm.
- She's very much into playing dress up. Of course, Luce's moms are lame and only have a pile of hats and scarves for such activity. Luckily, she doesn't seem to mind.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
I Don't Feel A Day Over 46...

Thanks to all for the birthday well wishes! We had a fantastic weekend (thanks again for getting lost Columbus) puttering around the house and we even made it to a farm - two farms actually (Mer is standing over my shoulder and just corrected me). Our first farm trip was just to the local city farm around the corner from our house to pick out some pumpkins. Luce really got into the spirit of pumpkin picking and it was hard to leave.
****Breaking News From Tubby Town*****
Somebody has been shaving in front of my child and *it is not* me. Embarrassing detail perhaps but hey this is cold hard journalism. I have just returned from the tub front and had to report this news. So I get up there and run Luce's bath, she walks in and spies the Venus razor and makes a grab for it. I quickly pop the blade off, she takes the handle, proceeds to lift up her pant leg and begins to mock shave her legs. Then whilst in the tub she said, "shaving my legs is fun." WHAT?!?! Meredith claims innocence, so that leaves either Mimi or Ellen. Now, I doubt on Wednesdays Mimi and Luce sit around shaving legs... and Ellen has her hands full with 4 other kids, so that can't be it either. I am at a loss. Maybe Elmo had a shaving episode recently. Gah.
Where was I... oh yes, farms. After our pumpkin picking trip, we were fully prepared to take on the real deal. With Mimi in tow, we headed out to this place for a day of apple picking fun. Ok, so we didn't wind up with a single apple... but we did run into a large contingent of Mer's relatives which was far better than a piece of fruit. Lucia loved all the attention and had a grand ole time doing all sorts of things . Not a bad way to spend my birthday if I do say so myself. Finally, this gem was shot on the way home from the farm. The file is too big for Google (something they can't do??), so here it is for all the world to see.
Monday, October 6, 2008
Babies, Birthdays and Brides... Oh My!

The Mothers Goose have soooo many updates this week... I don't even know where to begin. To conserve space, I think I'll try this entry old-school telegram style.
Lucia has a new cousin STOP.
Lucia will soon have a new sibling STOP.
Auntie Jo Jo and Uncle Brett came for a visit STOP.
We ate cake for my pre-birthday celebration STOP.
Lucia had the first dance at Auntie Ashee's wedding STOP.
There are more pictures form Auntie Jo Jo's (and Auntie Mia too!) visit to come... but I was getting behind in the posts, and well, now I have to go watch the Red Sox so I'm out of time. Go Sox! Go Pats! Go Home Palin! (sorry, couldn't resist).
Friday, September 26, 2008
Playing around is hard work...

Wednesday, September 17, 2008
What Was She Thinking?!?!

Ok, gotta end on a high note: check out Lucia's happy food dance. I double dog dare you not to smile.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Sunday Muddy Sunday...

- She loves pointing out airplanes when she sees them, but lately she thinks it could also be a helicopter. This form of logical thought isn't limited to just air vehicles. We passed a construction site the other day and she said, "It's an excavator! or maybe a digger..." Clearly the girl likes to leave her options open.
- On Saturday morning when Mama Mer retrieved her from her crib, Lucia hollered, "Mama Fraaaannnnn, where are youuuuuu???" Totally unprompted. I could no longer try and sleep in after that display of cuteness.
- We're trying very hard to teach Luce that all of her actions have consequences and if she doesn't want a) to get scratched by Sadie b) a time out c) fall off the couch, etc. she needs to listen to us. I think Luce is slowing starting to understand (I hope?) because she's also telling us the truth when she does something bad (which we try and encourage because yes bad actions are bad, but telling the truth is good... man, parenting is confusing). Anyway, she'll now say things like, "I grabbed Sadie. Sadie scratch arm." or my current favorite when I came home from running errands I asked Mer how things were going, Mer said Luce had to have a time out because she tried to hit her. So I turned to Luce and said something like, "Oh why would you hit Mama? We don't hit..." and she pouted and replied, "I bite her too."
Monday, September 1, 2008
Vacation Act III - Ahhhhhhhhhhhh

Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Vacation Act II - "To The Judge!"

While I'm sure the kids would have been perfectly happy to stay and play inside, we had a bunch of cultcha to shove down their throats: visiting Mass MoCA, the Berkshire botanical gardens, donning faux facial hair, and last but certainly not least, visiting with our old pal Jen and her ridiculously cute son Hayden. All in all, a fabulous addition to our August vacation. Once we packed up the car, we headed back home for a quick pit stop and then... you guessed it, back up to Maine for Act III.
P.S. Mama Mer wanted to be sure I captured Lucia's cuteness du jour so we won't forget:
- One of her favorite phrases right now is, "No, I don't want to." Lucia, would you like some more beans? "No, I don't want to." Lucia, can you give Mama a hug? "No, I don't want to." Lucia, time for night night. "No, I don't want to."
- During mealtime, if Luce is really enjoying her food (e.g. mac and cheese) she does a "happy food dance" where she wiggles her body back and forth grinning from ear to ear. She must get it from me, I often do this when I'm having pizza and a beer.
- She let's us know when she's frightened. She'll get the saddest look on her face and say, "I be scared!" Most recently this happened whilst watching a tornado appear on Elmo's World. In her defense, the tornado muppet was rather unsettling.
Monday, August 25, 2008
A Vacation in Three Parts: Act I - The Maine Event

Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Random Acts of Cuteness...

- she looked at a picture of me holding her (I have my back to the camera in the picture), she pointed to my hair and said, "Sadie!" Thanks kid.
- I picked her up after work the other day and she said, "Pretty shirt!" (it was your standard issue Fran work shirt, so I know she was lying).
- Mama Mer was holding her last night and Luce patted her head and said, "Pretty hair!" (it was your standard issue post-work Mer hair, so I know she was lying).
- Thanks to Uncle B, she has a new favorite toy. She carries it around and says, "I going on errands!"
Our much needed vacation is coming up soon, so if you don't hear from us in awhile it's because we're off "makin' memories" someplace.
Friday, July 25, 2008
And Just Like That She's A Kid...

Thursday, July 17, 2008
What Are The Lemurs Doing?

So yes, we spent a lovely weekend at the tippy tip of the Cape to attend the wedding of some friends. Perfect weather for an outdoor wedding - right on the water too. Just perfect. Lucia loooooved the ocean, wasn't crazy about the pool, and tore up the dance floor for a song or two. She was in heaven out there- -"You mean there is a space dedicated JUST for dancing? And everybody else dances too? And people will ooh and ahh over my cuteness? HOORAY!" She was eating it up. Of course, this ding dong Mama didn't take a single picture in Ptown, so I'm hoping some better prepared folks out there (you know who you are) may be able to share their pics with me :-) Oh wait, I lied... I did take these shots. Way to go photojournalist Fran. I promise to take double the amount of Luce pics this weekend. Pinky swear.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
The Ultimate Beach Bum...

Sunday, June 22, 2008
She Moves In Mysterious Ways...

Random cute Luce fact: right now, she is totally into construction vehicles. We have no idea where the fascination came from, but she LOVES pointing out the "diggers" we pass in the street (good thing we live in Boston, home of the perpetual Big Dig). She also loves telling people, "I passed a digger!" We brought home a few truck books from the library and are working to move beyond "digger"... she can now point out dump trucks, tractors, mixers (cement mixers), cranes, etc. and to hear her try and say "excavator" is priceless.
P.S. Special Mothers Goose Birthday shout out to Auntie PP! Hope your weekend was full of champagne wishes and caviar dreams. Wait... you have a baby. Hope you got to shower this weekend!
Monday, June 16, 2008
These Are A Few Of My Favorite Things...

Long walks with Nonne and visiting Funtown,
Riding on boats, trains
and merry-go-rounds.
Splashing in ocean water
So cold it stings,
These are a few of Luce's favorite things.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
A Summer Preview...

Friday, May 30, 2008
To the Lighthouse...

Wednesday, May 21, 2008
We're Going On An Egg Hunt...

Tuesday, May 13, 2008
It's A Mile Square AND the Birthplace of Ol' Blue Eyes...

Sunday, May 4, 2008
I'm Miss World...

Saturday, April 26, 2008
A Girl on the Go, Go, Go...

Sunday, April 13, 2008
How Much Fun Can You Fit Into 72 Hours?

Thankfully for all, we had a very mellow Sunday morning and Lucia was VERY sad to see her cousins leave. I think she was mad at us all day (hey, we'd love for them to stay too!) until after our brief trip to the grocery store, Mama Mer was able to win back her love.
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Next Step, The NYTimes Crossword...

Friday, April 4, 2008
It's A Dirty Job...

Sunday, March 23, 2008
Tanks Easter Bunny - - Bawk, Bawk!

Sunday, March 16, 2008
Ben, The Two of Us Need Look No More...

Well, I feel much better now. We had a great weekend and Luce even got the chance to explore her new backyard (rat free).
Saturday, March 15, 2008
This Just In... Alison.
And of course, Happy 29th Birthday to Mama Mer. We're heading out to fancy pants dinner tonight, so I have to go find something to wear.
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Membership Has Its Privileges...

Other random things I'm thinking about right now:
- Happy B-Day Uncle B! Presents in the mail, I swear.
- Happy B-Day Shins! Presents in the mail, I swear.
- Happy B-Day Cathy! Present is over here. Come get it.
- Happy B-Day Nonne! We're coming to see you for Easter!
- We haven't had phone service in 4 days. Annoying perhaps, but also kinda nice.
- Purchased a wet/dry vac on Sunday after heavy, heavy rains. Have I done an I hate Home Depot rant yet? Don't worry, I will.
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
So Much to Do, So Much to See...

Saturday, March 1, 2008
All The Way From Houston Texas...

Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Lucia Devours Books, Literally....
Perhaps this explains her explosive vocabulary over the past 2 weeks. Every day it seems we're hearing a new word come out of that adorable mouth. We've been trying to keep a list and I think it's well over 40 at this point. I'll share with you the highlights to date:
Chuu-chuuuus = Cheerios
Hiaaay SayDee, Hiiaaay SayDee, hiiiiii = Hello Sadie
Nooooooooze (said very nasally) = nose
Kaaah kaah = car (Boston accent already?)
Peetzah = pizza (of COURSE she knows this word)
Gig-gi = kitty
Muuunkee = monkey
Pktszurs = pictures (she loves looking at her blog)
Lucia's cuteness is hard to keep up with these days so I'm a bit behind with her blog. As mentioned in the last post, Mothers Goose had a lovely visit up in Maine complete with some individual shopping trips (ah, 2 hours all to myself... just me and the Freeport outlets), alone time at dinner, a trip to the Children's Museum in Portland, and visiting with our old friends Pearl and Curtis and their son Kai. The 3 day weekend was just what we needed to recharge. This past weekend, Lucia played host to her first peer house guest. It was quite an adventure and one that requires its own post. Stay tuned...
Friday, February 15, 2008
Sweet Comic Valentine...

So Valentine's Day came and went without much fanfare but Luce and I got to spend the day together due to a daycare sick-out, or sick-in, whatever... Ellen was sick. Anyway, Luce was in a pretty good mood for me so that means lots and lots of pictures. Lucky you! Mama Mer and I will have a belated Valentine's Day up in Maine this weekend, when we're hoping to sneak away for dinner after Lucia goes to bed (thanks Nonne and Papa!). Mmmm, we've been looking forward to the caramelized onion goat cheese tart for a lllllong time.
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Expletive Deleted...

Friday, February 1, 2008
And I Ran, I Ran So Far Away...

Sunday, January 27, 2008
Highchairs Are Soooo 2007...

Friday, January 18, 2008
All This White Stuff Is Suspect...

Sunday, January 13, 2008
Of First Birthdays and Football Firsts...

And Speaking of Birthdays...
Friday, January 4, 2008
What the Heck Does Auld Lang Syne Mean Anyway?