I really can't remember what life was like two years ago BL (before Lucia), but I'm pretty sure it didn't involve a
tutu cake. Yes, that was the theme of Luce's second birthday -- tutus (Mama Mer is a slave to puns). Somewhere along the line of planning this party, I guess we thought it would be a good idea to host 11 children and their parents at our place. What exactly were we thinking?! While it was a
grand affair, we couldn't have possibly pulled it off without the help of Uncle Tony and Aunt Tammie (entertain Luce while we make a tutu cake!), Mimi (we forgot the cups!), Nonne (crockpot of meatballs and eggrolls!), Auntie Cathy (who has frosting equipment?!?) and anyone else I'm forgetting... thanks for keeping us somewhat sane. It's going to take awhile for Mamas to recover from this one... of course until we fly to Seattle next week!
Happy Birthday Lucia....hope to see you at field on Saturday cheering us on and bringing us some luck.
I can only assume that if cavorting has been introduced to the Infantines, it's only a matter of time before it's introduced to the Reeves.
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