Finally, after our 4th big snow storm of the season Mothers Goose got their acts together and dragged Lucia outside to recreate scenes from one of her
favorite books. It was a thick, heavy snow that was
quite beautiful (if you didn't have to shovel the stuff). Luce wasn't too sure about it all, or maybe her hesitation was more related to the silly hats we make her wear out in public. She acutally enjoyed being outside, so long as she was being held by one of us. In other snow related news, I was scolded by a neighbor for having the temerity to brush snow off my car in front of her house (in the street mind you). It's a good thing I met some great neighbors the day before (cookies were made and brought to our house, how quaint?!), otherwise Mrs. Crabapple would have soured me on the entire neighboorhood. As
Pete would say, "Pooh on Mrs. Parsley."
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