Mothers Goose would like to publicly thank Nonne and Papa again for the Children's Museum membership. We love to go during "members hours" on the weekends when it's a little less crowded.
Luce likes her space... and so do we. Continuing on our elitist streak, we also signed up for a family membership at the
Franklin Park Zoo. Sure it's no San Diego, but it's a great place to kill an hour of time looking at funny creatures. Much like the Brookline library, where Mama Mer and Lucia walked to on Sunday yet were denied a library card because it was "too late in the day." Hm. We'll have to try again at a more acceptable hour.
Other random things I'm thinking about right now:
- Happy B-Day Uncle B! Presents in the mail, I swear.
- Happy B-Day Shins! Presents in the mail, I swear.
- Happy B-Day Cathy! Present is over here. Come get it.
- Happy B-Day Nonne! We're coming to see you for Easter!
- We haven't had phone service in 4 days. Annoying perhaps, but also kinda nice.
- Purchased a wet/dry vac on Sunday after heavy, heavy rains. Have I done an I hate Home Depot rant yet? Don't worry, I will.
Oh, man, for a minute I thought that it was "fun to find out what your voice really sounds like." Luke can't wait for Luce to show him the museum's ropes!
So -- can you three take a potty break here in Eliot on your way to Portland. Also, do you need handyman Don there at your new (and beautiful by what I can see in the photos on the blog)home at all? He keeps mentioning it.
The Senior Rosellas
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