For the first time in I can't say how many years, we had
perfect weather for our Memorial Day activities in Maine. I mean, when is it ever warm enough to go to the beach in Maine -much less in May?!? Lucia had a very busy weekend running around playgrounds, touching lighthouses,
splashing at the beach, attending barbecues, visiting with friends and celebrating Papa's birthday. Whew. At 18+ months now, Lucia is talking in full on sentences and it is bizarre to actually have two-way conversations with her. In fact, if you asked her what she did in Maine, I'm sure she'd say "I touched a
lighthouse!" or "Zoe barking noisy" or "Hi Mama Fran, hi." Oh, and she's very much into telling us what's noisy right now. Trucks noisy, coffee noisy (when we grind the beans), mixer noisy, digger noisy, etc. We keep asking her if Lucia is noisy, but she doesn't get the joke quite yet. Maybe it's my delivery... nah, couldn't be.
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