Thanks to all for the birthday well wishes! We had a fantastic weekend (thanks again for getting lost Columbus) puttering around the house and we even made it to a farm - two farms actually (Mer is standing over my shoulder and just corrected me). Our first farm trip was just to the local city farm around the corner from our house to pick out some pumpkins. Luce really got into the spirit of pumpkin picking and it was hard to leave.
****Breaking News From Tubby Town*****
Somebody has been shaving in front of my child and *it is not* me. Embarrassing detail perhaps but hey this is cold hard journalism. I have just returned from the tub front and had to report this news. So I get up there and run Luce's bath, she walks in and spies the Venus razor and makes a grab for it. I quickly pop the blade off, she takes the handle, proceeds to lift up her pant leg and begins to mock shave her legs. Then whilst in the tub she said, "shaving my legs is fun." WHAT?!?! Meredith claims innocence, so that leaves either Mimi or Ellen. Now, I doubt on Wednesdays Mimi and Luce sit around shaving legs... and Ellen has her hands full with 4 other kids, so that can't be it either. I am at a loss. Maybe Elmo had a shaving episode recently. Gah.
Where was I... oh yes, farms. After our pumpkin picking trip, we were fully prepared to take on the real deal. With Mimi in tow, we headed out to this place for a day of apple picking fun. Ok, so we didn't wind up with a single apple... but we did run into a large contingent of Mer's relatives which was far better than a piece of fruit. Lucia loved all the attention and had a grand ole time doing all sorts of things . Not a bad way to spend my birthday if I do say so myself. Finally, this gem was shot on the way home from the farm. The file is too big for Google (something they can't do??), so here it is for all the world to see.
based on your use of POE, are we left to deduce that you don't shave your legs?
Alls I'm sayin is summer is OVER...
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