Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Random notes from the cheap seats...

As Mer likes to say, "If it doesn't go on the blog, it is lost forever!" So with that in mind, here are some recent gems from the mouths of my family:

Carmen, "Lucia, we're probably gonna get a trophy... for being such good girls."

Carmen, "I love you mucher than pancakes."

When discussing the dangers of playing with fire, I was explaining that you never burn matches and Luce chimed in, "or chipmunks. You never burn chipmunks."

6:30am, Carmen: "Mama, I'm sorry"

Mer: "Why, honey, you just woke up?"Carmen: "I'm sorry because you smell like beer." (said with Carmen's Boston accent)Mer: "Beer? Do you mean coffee?"Carmen: "It might be coffee."

And you know how I know I'm a grown up? Because I say things like, "Luce, we never stick anything in anyone ever!" (she was trying to put a toy in her sister's bellybutton).

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