This is a shot of Lucia consoling Carmen after a little dust up (Carmen accidentally head butted my chin) and as I was off icing my face, Luce was trying to calm a crying Carmen. Mama Mer was of course, standing by with her iPhone to catch the love. I was fine by the way, thanks for asking.
Ok, so our fourth of July was spent much like the rest of our summer - - at the beach, up in Maine. We had some great company and played until we were pooped. Then it was back to Nonne and Papas for some sparkler action. And if sparklers wasn't enough fun to knock the girls' socks off, a trip to Funtown with the cousins certainly did. Oh, and what's a holiday without a trip to the ER for Carmen? Luckily, she handled it like a champ once the medicine kicked in.
Let's see... what else did we do this month to beat the heat? Oh right, we allowed mental patients from the local hospital the opportunity to come hose down the kids. We're nice like that.
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