On Saturday, Lucia Leary Infantine celebrated 363 days on the planet (her official birthday is Nov. 19). It was a lovely affair attended by members of the LLI Fan Club with various pals stopping by throughout the day to wish Luce a happy b-day. As you may know, it was an eggroll and meatball party (Lucia's favorite foods) so needless to say she was in seventh heaven... what could be better you ask? Well, all that followed by cupcakes of course! Lucia's head nearly exploded. Glad it didn't, it was a messy enough meal. I've been trying to upload videos of the day for you, but Google seems to be having server issues. I'll keep trying, because Lucia's cuteness is best observed in motion. Until then, you may enjoy her in still form
In other momentous news (slight hyperbole) my football team was victorious in the playoff game I missed in order to attend my daughter's first birthday party! (talk about Sophie's Choice, huh? Ok, not really... again with the hyperbole). Today the Violent Femmes (my team) took on the undefeated amazons of Foul Play. While initially we put up a good fight, in the end we were summarily trounced.
Good thing we still have the Patriot's stellar season to watch. Although, tonight I'm feeling my motherhood and age and am not sure I can stay up for the game. Sad, sad, sad.
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