Since last we posted, we had a lovely visit from Aunt Alison and Uncle Brendan; we attended our dear friend Paige's baby shower in Hoboken; and we purchased a house. On top of all that I've been a
living out of a suitcase due to business trips and am finally recovering from the plague. Whew. Busy, busy, busy. Aunt Alison and Uncle B came during the height of my illness, so I'm pretty sure I gave it to them (sharing is caring)... nevertheless they had a nice visit with the Goose and even attended Mama Fran's football game! The following weekend we were off to the birthplace of Old Blue Eyes to revel in
Paige's glowing pregnant glory. Honestly, she doesn't even look all that pregnant given her January due date! It was a quick trip due to Lucia's intolerance of the car seat during daylight hours (we drove down during her bedtime), but it's always great to catch up with Paige, her husband Paul and their respective parents. And finally, yes, we bought a house. We have been casually looking for a while now and decided to pull the trigger on a place in Brookline, MA. It's a standard issue 1950s Colonial that could use some updating, but we think it has a lot of potential and we're very excited about the possibilities. It is going to be a quick move since we're looking to get in there before Christmas, so if you don't hear from us again in a bit it's because we're in the midst of packing madness!