You wouldn't believe how hard it is to find a goose costume. Actually, it's impossible. Lucia's first Halloween costume started as a chicken, but thanks to the thread pulling skills of Ellen, she was transformed into a golden goose (Ellen removed the red chicken comb on the hood - - ta da!). Lucia attended a Halloween party at Ellen's house where Ellen hosted a gathering of current day care attendees and alumni(us?ae?). It was great fun, but also very very warm under all those feathers, so the goose costume didn't last long. We also walked down the the Pond to see the lantern parade. Goose wasn't sure about being in the stroller after dark, and
squawked with protest.
In sad news this week, we lost a dear member of our family... Meredith's Uncle Paul (a.k.a Boobie) passed away after a long and valiant fight with leukemia. He was a wonderfully kind man with smiling eyes and was one of the first in line to hold Lucia. One of my favorite Boobie quotes, after taking a look at Lucia's ample thighs during a visit: "Well, we know she'll never be a can can girl!" Those one liners will truly be missed.
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