The Mothers Goose have been so full of the Christmas spirit it seems like the 12 days of Christmas were more like 21. Speaking of the 12 Days of Christmas, my girls love singing along to Christmas carols (Little Drummer Boy and Santa Claus is Coming to Town are big hits) but the best is hearing Luce sing the third verse of 12 Days... "On the 3rd day of Christmas, my true love gave to me: 3 henchmen..." I cannot convince her otherwise. I blame Disney. Of course who better to sing Christmas carols with than our own house pianist Nonne. She and the extended clan came down for a holiday hoedown that set the bar for all future family holiday parties. It included festive folks both little, slightly not little and some donning very gay apparel. We ate and sang the night away and it set the perfect tone for the ensuing Christmas mayhem.
The kids are at a great age for experiencing the wonder of Christmas morning and the looks on their faces when they came down the stairs was just priceless. One of the top gifts on Luce's wish list was a "sleigh and reindeer" and I must say, Santa really came through. I'm fairly certain we didn't get dressed all day, and only paused our playing to eat the 20 pound turkey Mimi prepared for the 5 of us. All that, and this post is only Part I...