New Year's Resolution #1: Be brave, be bold, try new things. Check. As you can see, Lucia is brimming with excitement headed to her first ski lesson. She did great, although at the end she said her feet hurt (which is understandable). Mama Fran survived her first snowboarding lesson (hello back muscles!) and Mama Mer is hitting the slopes tomorrow. The Mothers Goose is bound and determined to to make our first resolution work, and so far we're off to a great start (and for the record Carmen is a daredevil on the sled). Sorry you'll have to wait for more pictures, but trust me the Christmas ones are worth it. Best wishes to you and yours in the New Year, see you in 2011!
Friday, December 31, 2010
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Deck The Halls With...
Greeks and laughter.... ha ha ha ha haaaa ha ha ha ha. Our holiday season received a welcome jump start in the form of our good friend Eleni, who was in town to spread some Christmas cheer (and help put up our tree). In addition to a fantastic tree trimmer, Eleni also serves as "the Greek hub" when she's in the Hub, and we were able to connect with the youngest member of our friendship circle thanks to her. From rolling with with Greek to rocking out with our pal Steph, the Mothers Goose et. al. have been well entertained. The girls even had their first taste of winter, literally. Speaking of entertainment, what blog update would be complete without a little Wizard of Oz action? Here's Carmen's interpretation of the story which to her sounds something like "bizabizabizabiza Boz!" which we now know is her way of saying Wizard of Oz. Finally, you know the holiday season is in full swing when it's time for the Pops with the Troutmans!
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Thanksgiving Day Is Coming...
So Mister turkey said.
Very careful I must be
Or I will lose my head.
Very careful I must be
Or I will lose my head.
Yes, yes you will Mr. Turkey... and we thank you for your sacrifice. The Mothers Goose would also like to thank the "official turkey taster" for providing the most delicious Thanksgiving Day feast in recent memory. From pies to parades to assorted casseroles, it was truly a wonderful day (and extended visit from our Left Coast family). Of course, when the gourmet chef leaves town... this is what happens and this is what our children eat.
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Four More Years! Four More Years!
Well, since I just finished stuffing my face with turkey I'm finding it hard to type... but wanted to upload some pictures from Lucia's 4th birthday bash (a.k.a. her raucous caucus). So here, enjoy these pics while I go explode.
Sunday, October 31, 2010
We're Late, We're Late...
For a very important post!
Yeah, I backdated... so sue me (inside SEC joke).
With Halloween falling on a weekend, the Mothersgoose is VERY glad to have the costume extravaganza behind us. Here are some fun shots of the girls in all their decked out glory. Alice and the White Rabbit had a nice lllllllong Halloween weekend, and we are more than happy to retire their costumes... until they want to wear them again... which will probably be next weekend.
Yeah, I backdated... so sue me (inside SEC joke).
With Halloween falling on a weekend, the Mothersgoose is VERY glad to have the costume extravaganza behind us. Here are some fun shots of the girls in all their decked out glory. Alice and the White Rabbit had a nice lllllllong Halloween weekend, and we are more than happy to retire their costumes... until they want to wear them again... which will probably be next weekend.
Monday, October 25, 2010
Mer Tells Me The Blog is in Arrears...
To which I reply, "Well how can she hear?!?"
Yeah, it's been another crazy few weeks... but we still managed to frolic in foliage, acknowledge my mortality and pick a pack of pumpkins. See here for details.
Ok, I promise more pith next update... will Lucia make it 3 years in a row in her Dorothy costume? Tune in next week to see!
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Try to Remember the Kind of September...
When life was slow and oh so mellow...
Really? When exactly was that? Ok, so what happened this month? Well, besides Lucia starting school (I believe this picture was taken before her first full day... hence her forlorn expression), Mamas finally, FINALLY had their weekend away and we have Mimi and Nonne/Papa to thank for it. Not sure who had more fun - Mamas with their leisurely days or the kids having their every whim catered to. Did I mention Luce even got to meet a princess?? Lucia also started her first dance class and not to be outdone, Carmen also showed off her, um, talents. We also celebrated two important birthdays this month - cousins Jackson and Veronica! We fully expect our share of the cake to arrive any day now.
And then there was this. What is that you ask? Well, according to Luce that is a chalk depiction of a "stank." She went on and told this elaborate tale of what a "stank" was. This is more or less what she said... "Stanks are logs with fire coming out of them every 8 minutes. Stanks are indigenous (my word) to Australia and are sometimes grouped together in forests. Stanks are dangerous and never go near them. Please do not go to Australia." I really can't make this stuff up. The stank story is reminiscent of the Barret, which I don't think I've told before. A few months back (maybe even last year?) Lucia made up a creature called a Barret. A Barret is a bird like creature with "one fierce eye and one nice eye." Barrets live in bushes and mostly eat berries. Only mommy Barrets have the fierce eye, because they have the babies. Once again folks, you cannot make this up! Well, I guess if you were a 3 year old you could... And speaking of chatty, Carmen finally decided she has something to say (probably to keep up with her sister) and happily jabbers away to anyone who will listen. Chances are you won't be able to make out a single word, but Carmen will earnestly look you in the eye and convey something deep and meaningful, like, "Gaabaa dooda maama baby gah." Of course, she can communicate all the important things like "mama", "mimi", "chichi" (Lucia), and "cake"... and just tonight "Gaga" (because yes, we were having a dance party).
Really? When exactly was that? Ok, so what happened this month? Well, besides Lucia starting school (I believe this picture was taken before her first full day... hence her forlorn expression), Mamas finally, FINALLY had their weekend away and we have Mimi and Nonne/Papa to thank for it. Not sure who had more fun - Mamas with their leisurely days or the kids having their every whim catered to. Did I mention Luce even got to meet a princess?? Lucia also started her first dance class and not to be outdone, Carmen also showed off her, um, talents. We also celebrated two important birthdays this month - cousins Jackson and Veronica! We fully expect our share of the cake to arrive any day now.
And then there was this. What is that you ask? Well, according to Luce that is a chalk depiction of a "stank." She went on and told this elaborate tale of what a "stank" was. This is more or less what she said... "Stanks are logs with fire coming out of them every 8 minutes. Stanks are indigenous (my word) to Australia and are sometimes grouped together in forests. Stanks are dangerous and never go near them. Please do not go to Australia." I really can't make this stuff up. The stank story is reminiscent of the Barret, which I don't think I've told before. A few months back (maybe even last year?) Lucia made up a creature called a Barret. A Barret is a bird like creature with "one fierce eye and one nice eye." Barrets live in bushes and mostly eat berries. Only mommy Barrets have the fierce eye, because they have the babies. Once again folks, you cannot make this up! Well, I guess if you were a 3 year old you could... And speaking of chatty, Carmen finally decided she has something to say (probably to keep up with her sister) and happily jabbers away to anyone who will listen. Chances are you won't be able to make out a single word, but Carmen will earnestly look you in the eye and convey something deep and meaningful, like, "Gaabaa dooda maama baby gah." Of course, she can communicate all the important things like "mama", "mimi", "chichi" (Lucia), and "cake"... and just tonight "Gaga" (because yes, we were having a dance party).
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Dear Old Golden Rule Days...
New dress? Check. Princess camera? Check. Stuffed kitty? Check. Lunchbox? Check. Yes, your typically pre-schooler checklist is now complete. Luce faced her first day of pre-school like a champ (it was only a half day, but still). When I picked her up at noon, she told me, "I was a little nervous at first... but then I got used to it." That's my girl! Meanwhile, as Mama Mer and Lucia drove off to that milestone, Carmen was left in the dust. After her big first day, we decided to get back to basics and head down to the farm with our old pals. Best part of the farm? CORN MAZE! We all had a blast and managed to be in good spirits tromping through the corn. Speaking of getting back to basics... look who's back? One of these days we're going to go through an entire day WITHOUT discussing that chick from Kansas... that day, is not today.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
But Wait - There's More!
So yes, there are approximately 650 more photographs I could share from camp... and since I wouldn't do that to you, how about you enjoy another small sample? And as an added bonus, here are a few shots of our cute girls enjoying traditional beach food on the Cape. So long summer, it's been good to know 'ya.
Sunday, August 22, 2010
And Indeed We Did...
Hard to believe that another camp week has come and gone, but reflecting on the 700+ pictures I took it was one of the best. The weather was perfect and the mood was festive. They say pictures are worth a bunch of words (or something like that)... so take a look at this small sample, and try not to be too jealous.
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Sugar and Spice and Vanilla Greek Yogurt...
That's what this little girl is made of! So unlike her big sis, Carmen is somewhat of a picky eater. However, we stumbled upon one thing that she really likes. I mean, she loves this yogurt - probably because it is almost like frosting. It is up there with her favorite things to eat - avocados and cake. We think she's actually saying the word "cake." The word "Mama" comes and goes, but "cake" she seems to nail every time. Hm.
As I mentioned in the last post, I spent a few days in lovely Seattle where I was able to spend time with the littlest Leary and of course, Vv too. We had a great time rockin' out to a Beatles cover band in the park and of course, eating cupcakes. Thanks Uncle Phil! No sooner could you say cross country cousins, then we geared up for a visit from our kin up north. We had a blast at the zoo and science museum and general all around silliness. Hard to believe that August is right around the corner... but that also means we're getting closer to CAMP!
Monday, July 19, 2010
Sand, Sun and Sparklers...
While it may seem like the 4th of July was weeks ago (yeah, I know, it was) it has taken me this long to upload the photos. In fairness, I was in Seattle last week (more pics on that later) so I'm more or less right on schedule... ok, less. Anyway, the Mothers Goose and goslings had a Vitamin D packed 4th of July weekend up in Maine. The girls enjoyed all of their favorite activities with all their favorite people. And in the middle of our 4th of July BBQ, a parade broke out! Thankfully, no one called the cops. Once I figure out how to upload the video, you can see for yourself what 4 kids + 6 adults + 1 accordion equates to... although, I think you can do the math on your own. If you said "= a bunch of yahoos marching around a parking lot?" then YOU ARE CORRECT! God bless America indeed.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Even MORE Birthdays and BBQs...
Let's see where were we... oh yes, June birthdays! We got to squeeze in a couple more before the month's end. First up was a visit from Auntie Paige and Luke the Boy to celebrate P's 29th. We partied like Brooklynites with pizza, beer and cupcakes on the front steps. Needless to say the kiddos had a blast with Luke and the moms had a pretty excellent time too. Next up on the birthday calendar was Auntie Ashee who brought the grown up pah-tay to Chestnut Hill. Much fun was had by all the "adults" and the kids (how did they sneak in??) loved the attention and treats. Ok, time for a 30 day vegan cleanse... well, this weekend is the 4th of July... so maybe in August.
Monday, June 21, 2010
Birthdays, Bathtubs and Bu-byes...
Ok, so it's not a real bu-bye but our neighborhood BFFs the Troutmans have pulled up stakes and moved out to the country. We decided to send them off in grand style with backyard fun, a BBQ for the birthday boy and of course a group tub (is it a wonder they're leaving us??). Oh, and while we're on the subject of moving - big round of applause for Mimi and her big move! We said bu-bye to Woburn and helllllloooo Lincoln. Woo! Special thanks to Auntie Alison for spending her birthday knee deep in packing tape. And finally, speaking of birthdays, the Mothers Goose had a lovely time at this monkey's surprise birthday party this weekend. So many June birthdays, so much cake!
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
A Deliciously Good Time...
The Mothers Goose ate their way through Memorial Day weekend and are just now emerging from the food coma. Between Flatbread Pizza, Vietnamese cooking lessons, birthday cake and BBQs, it's a wonder we could walk. Luckily there were plenty of other recreational activities to keep us busy in between meals. When we finally rolled our way home, Carmen decided that a cleansing mud bath was in order. Whew, can we have another 3 day weekend please??
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Sun, Sun, Sun Here it Comes...
I should knock on something, because we have had a delightful stretch of beautiful pre-summer weather for the past 72 hours. This allowed us to attend an outdoor birthday party pal around with some old friends, and tend to the yard a bit. Quite the eventful weekend for the Mothers Goose. Oh, and overnight Lucia learned to draw this. Seriously folks, she was not doing this yesterday (and we draw every_day believe me, we would have noticed).
Sunday, May 9, 2010
The Mother of All Sundays...
First off, let me extend a very warm and heartfelt "happy mother's day" to all those amazing women in our lives who help make Mama Mer and I better mothers - either through exemplary parenting skills or to illustrate what not to do to your child. HA! I kid, I kid. But seriously, this is by far the toughest job not allowed on a resume and hats off to everyone out there getting it done day in, day out. Another mother has been very kind to us recently with a stretch of lovely weather. The girls took advantage of it for the annual Ellen's House Egg Hunt at the JP arboretum and some backyard fun. Speaking of tough jobs, I think all these doctor visits are giving Luce some good ideas... I just wish she had a bigger pool of test patients. Finally, the girls and I had a great Mother's Day that started with a trip to that beacon of culinary diversity (the INTERNATIONAL house of pancakes) and ended with a visit to the Dogwood, with our Mimi.
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Our Miami Vacation: It Was the Best of Times... No Actually, It Sucked.
Ok folks, no need to sugar coat it... our getaway to Miami was a unmitigated disaster. We booked this trip long ago as a much needed respite from our hectic runaround crazy everyday lives. However, little did we know that when we got down there both of our kids would get sick (Luce with her omnipresent croup) and Carmen with a double ear infection. As we witnessed the steady decline of our children (and any hopes of relaxation with it) I made the vow never to leave the house again. I am not kidding. I love you all dearly, but from now on - - you come to me. Perhaps I would feel differently if we did not have to visit 2 emergency rooms in Miami (the first one didn't take Blue Cross Blue Shield - WHHAAAT?) and then at the second hospital with Carmen burning up from a 104 degree fever being told, "oh, it's probably just her teeth" and then the "doctor" (I never did see any credentials) declaring her fine with a probable sore throat. GAH! Of course, when we got back to Boston we made a b-line for the pediatrician's office where they found she had 2 raging ear infections. Nice. Thanks Miami. Thanks for nothing! Aside from the sickly children and the broken down house we rented (perhaps a post for another day) we did manage to salvage a few good moments like these. So yes the house had a fun pool, and we got to see some cool stuff, and hang out with our pals (thank god we had them around) but all in all we were never so glad to come back to our house with a ripped open basement. Oh, and FEMA was here this morning. God I need a vacation...
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Here Comes Peter Cottontail...
Apologies for the delayed blogging fan(s). We're still recovering from the great flood of 2010... fortunately for us, the IRS extended our tax deadline (hooray federal disaster areas!). Now if only Obama would come do our laundry and clean our our basement. That's ok, when the going gets tough - the tough get dancing. The tough also retreat to Maine (yes, with our dirty laundry in tow - hello 19 again). The Easter Bunny kept our girls very busy this weekend with egg hunts at Nonne and Papas AND egg hunts at our house (thanks Auntie Ashee)... it's a wonder they are asleep right now. And what better way to wrap up a 74 degree Easter weekend then with a little opening day cheer. Let's Go Sox!
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Up On The Watershed...
Ok, so this picture is neither cute, nor funny but this is what we've been dealing with for the past 3 days. Thanks to the 11" of rainfall, our basement looks more like Jamaica Pond than a lovely, finished playroom. Luckily, we've had some distractions from the disaster such as this birthday and that birthday. Oh yeah, and Carmen was taken out by a clothes rack at J Crew. All in all, it's been a banner month... luck of the Irish my arse.
Saturday, February 20, 2010
I'm Number One! or I'm #1!
Ok, so Carmen doesn't officially turn 1 until the 23rd but, um, we won't be around for that so, um, yeah... Parents of the year Part I. Annnnyway, we had a lovely party with our framily to celebrate this giant milestone. The children (including us) were spoiled by Mimi, Papa and Nonne, Auntie Mia made a special guest appearance and of course the other usual suspects (Keyser Söze is the one in the yellow hat). Unlike her sister, Carmen wasn't so sure about those cupcake things - good thing this guy showed her how to get into it. Carmen could also use some lessons about blowing out candles, but we all enjoyed her method as well - - once we collectively exhaled. Parents of the year Part II. Happy Birthday Carmen, we love you... and are so glad you (and we) made it.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
We've Been Talkin' 'bout Jackson...
Sunday, January 31, 2010
I Will Tackle You With Love...
Friday, January 22, 2010
Trouble? It's in the Bag...
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