Ok so Lucia will most likely NOT remember this day, but her parents sure will. Against her protestations, we did dress her in red, white and blue (she wanted pink... of course). And I am happy to report that Lucia can identify our 44th President on the TV - "Look, it's Baaak Omama!" Besides spending time to savor this moment in history, we've been quite busy with some important events of our own, namely:
Anthony's 4th birthday party where Lucia literally
jumped for joy. We had to drag her out of there. Perhaps we should invest some gymnastics equipment?
A fun visit from the Caseys and Rosellas. Lucia
bonded with Luke, read with Paul and fell in love with Paige and all her girly accessories. I think the highlight of Luce's weekend was digging through Paige's purse and trying on her lip gloss. She really didn't want them to leave, and cried a bunch saying "it's hard to leave children." So true dear, so true.
Buying Lucia a big girl bed. In fact, she's sleeping in it for the first time tonight. Keep your fingers crossed! Update: she's already fallen out once, but don't worry, the mattress is on the floor so it didn't even wake her up!