Oh, and one last thing happened in 2009 - Carmen started to talk. Well, we think she can anyway - she can say "mama"(usually when she's really, really mad... grrrreat), "see", "eyes" and I know I've heard some approximation of the word "cat." I'm sure it won't be long until she's chatting away like her older sister who according to Mimi, introduced herself to a waitress by saying, "Hello, my name is Lucia and I have two moms!" Love it.
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Fa la la la laaaaa la la la whew.
Oh, and one last thing happened in 2009 - Carmen started to talk. Well, we think she can anyway - she can say "mama"(usually when she's really, really mad... grrrreat), "see", "eyes" and I know I've heard some approximation of the word "cat." I'm sure it won't be long until she's chatting away like her older sister who according to Mimi, introduced herself to a waitress by saying, "Hello, my name is Lucia and I have two moms!" Love it.
Saturday, December 12, 2009
It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year?
The festivities continued with our second annual trip to see the Boston Pops with Luce's BFF (she told him so today) Owen. We all had a wonderful time singing along with Santa and the symphony, and if any of you (Nonne) are interested in a fantastic arrangement of the 12 Days of Christmas, I highly suggest this download. Speaking of three French hens... here's Carmen eating some chicken. Enjoy.
Monday, November 23, 2009
It's the Magic Number...
Friday, November 6, 2009
Don't Fall On Me...
What is it up in the air for? Well Halloween came and went and to the amazement of *no one* our children went through a few costume changes. Despite the big lead up to being Tinkerbell for Halloween, when it came down to the actual Halloween day itself Lucia decided she couldn't leave her alter ego behind. It was such a nice weekend for trick or treating, even the Mothers Goose got in on the act. Now will someone please come and take our leftover candy? PLEASE??
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Give Peas A Chance...
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
We Really, Really Love Fall...
Monday, September 21, 2009
Staycation All I Ever Wanted...
Staycation no need to get away. So as we mentioned, the Mothers Goose decided to camp it at home during Labor Day weekend - literally. We took advantage of the great weather and embarked on various adventures in this city they call Boston. For one trip, we walked along the water to Castle Island where we enjoyed a picnic by the lovely scenery and partook in other recreational activities. This trip was also noteworthy for the fact that Lucia was asked to be in a music video. No joke. We happened to run into a friend of ours who was there with her work filming a music video. Just so happens they were also scouting the location for a young starlet to play a pivotal role (she handed the singer a love note). Needless to say Lucia adored the spotlight and nailed it take after take. I'll keep you posted if it winds up on MTV anytime soon!
The next day we took the ferry out to Georges Island where we got to do a lot of running around and reenact scenes from Taps (ok, so that was just me).
While we were sad to say goodbye to the last days of summer, the beginning of fall brought some significant firsts - solid foods, football and haircuts.
Friday, September 4, 2009
Hold On To Your Hats...
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Happy Half Birthday Baby Carmen!
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Ayuh, That's a Wicked Good Vacation
Another sandy beach, another naked baby. Life *is* good. So Mothers Goose has taken a chapter out of the European lifestyle manual and decided to take the summer off. Well, not really but a two week vacation plus company mandated furlough is a pretty sweet way to spend August. As usual we packed up the contents of our entire house and headed north "upta camp" as the Mainers say. What was different this year (besides the whole kids thing) was that the weather actually cooperated. Nothing beats spending time with family and friends, by the water, drink in hand and the sound of Yahtzee rattling in the background. After a waterlogged two weeks on the lake we then spent some R&R in Portland with my folks, ate cake for Maria's something or other (don't say birthday) and ventured out to the OOB. I'll post more on that later along with some of the latest kid cuteness - i.e. Carmen's stupid human tricks and Lucia wants to matriculate. Stay tuned.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Hello Summer, Nice of You to Show...
Friday, July 10, 2009
Let the Sunshine In...
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
See This? It's Mine Now.
It was a lovely ceremony and Carmen really appreciated the attendance of her Mimi, Nonne and Papa (who woke up at the crack of dawn to drive down from Maine in the pouring rain). Lucia played a key role in the adoption, expertly wielding the judge's gavel (or hammer as she called it) and signing her name to the decree. Being the high rollers that we are, we then celebrated with breakfast at iHOP proving once again that my family of four females has just as bad taste as a family of four in any given red state.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Several Very Cute Reasons for the Delay...
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Happy Birthday Papa Stu - Luce Went Poo!
Despite being a little snotty, Luce and Carmen had a full calendar of activities including visits from gift bearing friends, receiving gentleman callers and taking a spin on some new wheels. It was a banner weekend to be sure.
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Thank You Enablers, Really...
And just because I haven't mentioned her at all, Carmen was there too!
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Happy Mother's Day Squared...
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Yes, Veronica, There Really Is a Baby Carmen...
While the visit from Auntie Alison, Uncle B and Baby Veronica was certainly the highlight of the past few weeks, we have enjoyed some other fun events as well. Such as co-ed bath time pajama parties, the annual Ellen's House Egg Hunt and of course, a true rite of Spring - - breaking out the sandbox.
Friday, April 24, 2009
First Holiday As Sisters - Success!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009
I'm Dorothy Gale From Kansas...

Ok, so at long last here is a sneak peak at the Wizard of Oz madness that has consumed our household. We have Ellen to thank (blame?) for all of this. The kids at daycare LOVE to dress up as the different characters and act out scenes from the movie (they've only seen snippets - no flying monkeys thank you very much). Of course, Lucia's favorite character is Glinda (pink! pink! frilly pink!), but here you see her sporting the Dorothy dress and showing off her ruby slippers. We have more photos somewhere, and once I find them I promise to post. Lucia has assigned roles for every member of the family as well - I'm usually the Wicked Witch (trying not to read into that one much), Nonne is always Auntie Em, Mimi is Toto, sometimes Mama Mer gets to be Glinda too, and Carmen of course is a Munchkin. Lucia knows all of the words to all of the songs (Judy G. would be so proud) and she also knows a bunch of the dialog. Our favorites are when she says, "I'm Dorothy Gale from Kansas!" (she's never just Dorothy) or when in the Wicked Witch voice she says, "Who killed my sister?!? Was it youuuu?" that one gets me every time.
Speaking of Carmen, we realize she's been getting short shifted so we're trying to make up for it... I just need to be better about blogging it. These days, Carmen seems to be doing better with her reflux (oh yeah, did I mention we got another spitter?? Thanks a lot God.) now if we can just get her sleeping through the night. We have such low expectations since Luce didn't do that until 6 months out, but we're holding out hope that Carmen can get there soon. Our family could use the rest. Luckily, we've been keeping busy with fun activities so maybe sleep is overrated. Well no. No it's not.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
That's A Cute Concept
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
2 Weeks Down, 1300 To Go...
Monday, February 23 - 3:00am
Mer gently shakes me awake and says, "I think I'm having some cramping." My first reaction is, well honestly I don't think I had one - I was pretty out of it. So she gets up and waddles off to walk around, drink water, etc. I am half awake, half asleep when Mer suggests I get "the book" (What to Expect of course). Being the helpful wife I am, I retrieve the book and set it at her feet. The cramps are increasing by this point and with a touch of pain/annoyance in her voice Meredith suggests I look up "labor signs." I flip to the page and we check off each sign as it's happening to Mer. Crap. We did not prepare for this. What's the point of a scheduled c-section after all?? sheesh. (FYI, Mer was induced with Lucia so we never went through this before). By this point it's around 4am and Mer tells me to call Mimi and have her come down to be there for Luce. Now Mimi lives about 20 minutes away and the frequency of the winces coming from Mer tell us we can't wait that long. We call for back up. I ring our good friend Cathy (who we can never repay for this) at 4:10am and she is here in a flash. Oh, did I mention we had an ice storm and we all had to spend precious minutes scraping our cars?? Talk about llama drama. So we get to the hospital at 4:30am and away we go...
B&W Hospital - 4:30am
I pull up into the valet parking area and no one is there to do the key hand off. I'm in full on panic mode (helpful I know) so I just grab our bags and leave the car running. The 16 year old security guard at the front desk says he'll watch it. Um, not feeling confident about that but no time to argue with Skippy. We make our way up to labor and delivery where we meet our on call doctor (very nice woman in the practice, but a complete stranger to us). Meredith discusses her need to have the "highest ranking anesthesiologist in the hospital" perform her spinal because last time there was a leak and blood patches and repeat visits and pain and it was BAD. Of course then in walks the unsuspecting anesthesiologist Resident... Mer takes one look at him and says, "Are you a Resident? I'm sorry but you're not doing my spinal. No." It was classic Meredith... in full on labor no less. We finally got a Fellow paged and on the job but by now Mer was at 9cm and time for a c-section was running out.
OR Waiting Area - 6:05am
I'm sitting around in my scrubs trying to process everything that's happened and is about to. I'm failing miserably. Instead I focus my attention on an ant crawling around on the floor. An ant? In the OR? That can't be good can it?
OR - 6:18am
If any of you have witnessed a c-section you know it is a hectic affair. There were a ton of people in there (including the dejected Resident) milling around and then all of a sudden we hear... "you have another girl!" Wait! I wasn't ready! You didn't tell me to get my camera ready! Arrrrrgh! Meredith and I were both stunned. We really thought we were having a boy. Really, really, really.
So there you have it Carmen - there's your birth story. You were so excited to meet us you just had to wake us up (and Mimi and Cathy) and make an early appearance. That's ok, we won't hold it against you (but we will remind you of it every chance we get).
Monday, March 2, 2009
Let the Sibling Rivalry Commence!

Back at home the sisters seemed to get along just fine - of course, the exchanging of presents always helps. I have a million other things to blog about - remind me to tell you about Lucia's Wizard of Oz obsession - but right now, I have to go nab some sleep. We'll all be up very, very soon.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Heeeeeeeeeeeeere's Carmen!

Sunday, February 8, 2009
The answers are: 63, 45, 17
How many rings are there on a Mimi tree?
How many years have my folks been hitched?
How many days before we hatch spawn #2?
Another busy weekend here in Mothers Goose land. On Saturday we celebrated Mimi's birthday Lucia style - with cake, food and dancing (in that order). Lucia had a grand old time entertaining everyone and cutting a rug with Mimi's BFF Cheryl. If Luce's enthusiasm for parties now is any indication of years yet to come, we're in trouble with a capital T and that rhymes with B and that stands for bail. Speaking of delinquents - big shout out to my folks for celebrating 45 years of marriage this weekend. Lucia is expecting a piece of your anniversary cake in the mail.
Also, that pesky global warming trend allowed us to build a snowman in warm weather today - a most enjoyable task when you're not frozen.
Finally, since we have done ZERO pregnancy documenting this time around, and since Mer is too exhausted to protest... do you think she is ready to be done with this whole thing or what? I really do owe her one.. or as she says, "No, you owe me TWO."
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Big Round of Applause for Nonne!

She was the first to respond with the correct answer to:
"Who was Jesus' grandmother?"
Here is her reply:
Jesus' grandmother was the mother of Mary - Ann was her name. Do I win? Being as how they were Jewish I guess she was the Bubbe.
50 points to Nonne and another 5 for being funny. She must get that from me.
Monday, January 26, 2009
Random Musings of A Two Year Old...

Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Look Kids, A Real President!
Anthony's 4th birthday party where Lucia literally jumped for joy. We had to drag her out of there. Perhaps we should invest some gymnastics equipment?
A fun visit from the Caseys and Rosellas. Lucia bonded with Luke, read with Paul and fell in love with Paige and all her girly accessories. I think the highlight of Luce's weekend was digging through Paige's purse and trying on her lip gloss. She really didn't want them to leave, and cried a bunch saying "it's hard to leave children." So true dear, so true.
Buying Lucia a big girl bed. In fact, she's sleeping in it for the first time tonight. Keep your fingers crossed! Update: she's already fallen out once, but don't worry, the mattress is on the floor so it didn't even wake her up!
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Happy *hack* New *sneeze* Year *cough*
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