Sunday, December 21, 2008

It's Beginning to Taste A Lot Like Christmas...

Old man winter socked us good this weekend, which was fine by me since I'm officially on vacation. Woo! Luckily we were able to venture out on Saturday morning with our pals Cathy, Kelby and Owen to see the Pops Holiday concert. It was a very merry affair and Luce was super excited to have another occasion to wear her fancy dress. The concert was just the thing to kick start our holiday vacation - with yuletide imagery, Christmas carol sing alongs and even an appearance by St. Nick himself. My cup of good cheer runneth over.
With more snow on the way, we decided to put Lucia's new snow suit to the test early this morning. Like a true intrepid New Englander, she took to the snow with gusto. I even showed her how to make a snow angel... but since I am neither two nor outfitted with giant snowsuit, I had to retreat to the study to warm up. Brrrrrr.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Deck the Halls With Eee-commerce...

Sorry for the lag in posts, but Mama Mer has been hogging the computer for the past few weeks furiously Christmas shopping the 21st century way. and our UPS guy must hate us. I think we place an order there at least once a day. Heaven forbid we get organized and place one big order... oh no, better to have multiple visits from UPS and fill up my garage with cardboard. Good news is I think we're almost done. I think.
And now, the current random acts of Luce cuteness:
- She pronounces the word remote (as in, the remote for her train) like "tr'mote." It is the oddest thing. "Where's my tr'mote? Have you seen my tr'mote?"
- She's going through a slight Nemo obsession phase. We watched part of it on our trip to Seattle and whip it out on very special occasions (like when Mama Fran had to pump water out of the basement last week and keep Luce distracted). It puts her in a trance. Now, she runs around the house saying that she's Dory, Mama Mer is Nemo and Mama Fran is the shark. Why does Mama Mer get top billing?!?
- She is more insistent on picking out her own outfits. This was the best one yet (with thanks to Aunties Laura and Erin for the rockin' dress).

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Turkey for me. Turkey for you.

Let's eat turkey in a big brown shoe (first and last Sandler reference, I promise).
So here is the adorable baby Veronica - one of the four reasons for enduring two cross country red eye flights with Lucia. The other three reasons are adult related, but they're not nearly as noteworthy as baby V. Mothers Goose and Goose had a turkey terrific time out in Seattle. Lucia was spoiled rotten by her Auntie Alison and Uncle B and was even willing to share the attentions of Uncle Sean. Even though the visit was far too short, Lucia was able to squeeze in some cupcake decorating, a ride on a carousel and much coveted train ride. Sorry for the short post, but I have to go back to Lowes for more tree lights, Kleenex and chicken wire (that's for you PP).