It has now been 7 days since the concert of the century, and I feel like I'm finally in a good place to sit back, reflect and share the experience. In case you've been living under a rock (or just haven't spoken to me in awhile), I went to see The Police play at Fenway Park with a motley crew of friends and family. Chez Leary Infantine hosted a pre-concert BBQ which proved to be an excellent launching pad for all night revelry. With guests spanning the globe (Canada, LA, Maine, Rhode Island, etc.) we enjoyed a great afternoon of food, drink(sssss) and music. Portland High School was well represented with 6 graduates (Tony did graduate, right?) in attendance, ranging from the class of '84 to '91. It was just silly how much fun was had reliving our youth. Lucia certainly enjoyed herself as you can see in the
pictures. Yes, that is an unopened can, and the cold felt good against her teeth - please don't report us. In fact, due to her early exposure to The Police, Lucia has starting saying "da da da da." I'm working on the "di do do do" part, but she hasn't quite gotten that yet. Perhaps Uncle Tony and his friend Mike can help her? Um, on second thought
maybe not.